Off to save the Spider Verse
This piece of art was created using
the digital app ProCreate. I used an Apple 
Pencil and iPad.
This was inspired from watching the film "Spiderman Across the Spiderverse".
Fun at the Beach
This piece of custom art was created using
brushes. While creating the piece I wanted a
splotchy beach feel , so i used a brush with
varying opacity and colors. 
The Staleness of Fruit
Freestyle Hand Drawn Artwork

Sketch of a Garden Leaf
Freestyle Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece I sketched while out in the garden.
This was done using a HB pencil and
sketch paper. 
Spiral of the Blue and Grey Rose
This piece of Abstract art was created using
a variety of filters , brush strokes, and
masks. While creating this piece I wanted
something that looked swirling. I also
wanted my favorite colors to be in the piece.

Expression Sketches
Freestyle Hand Drawn Artwork
These are pieces I drew for practice using a
pencil and paper.
(Left 2007 / Right 2009)
Sac Anime Mascot Contest
This piece was created to resemble Sac
Anime’s mascot and to be entered into the
summer 2018 contest. This was sketched on
Corel Painter using a Cintiq then finished on
Dishware of the Ancients
Freestyle Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece was created to resemble a piece
of artwork that was presented in the DeYoung
Museum in San Francisco. This piece
was created using Drawing Sheets, Charcoal
Pencils, and Compressed Charcoal

Foreign Affairs
Digital Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece was created to resemble a exotic
beach getaway. I varied the saturation and
hue of various colors to resemble the piece
to a painting. This was created on Corel
Painter using a Cintiq.
Me in my OWN Image
Digital Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece was created to represent how
i see myself. This was created on Corel
Painter using a Cintiq.
Me, my Beach, and I
Digital Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece was created to represent me in
my happiest , at the beach enjoying the cool
ocean air. This was created on Corel Painter
using a Cintiq.
My Love’s - normal - happy - state
Digital Hand Drawn Artwork

Sunny Palms
Freestyle Hand Drawn Artwork
This piece was created while enjoying the
beautiful day. This piece is truly my favorite
as it incorporates my favorite type of tree
and the shading helps to bring it to life.
While viewing this piece I can imagine the
sound of rustled leaves. This was created
using Drawing Sheets, Charcoal Powder,
Charcoal Pencils, and Compressed Charcoal
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